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The Memory Concierge is OUT NOW! - New Black Author Debut

The Memory Concierge; debut black author

Hey guys! I know it's been a while, I'm sorry I have been the worst at updating the blog recently. I have a good reason for going AWOL though before you jump down my throat. Let me explain.

I've got news about a black author that had a their first novel debut. ME! Yup. That's right. Me.

If you've been listening to my podcast Lauren's Library, then you'll know I've been working on a novel! I've been trying to drop some hints about it ever since I started the podcast. If you haven't been listening, then clearly you have some stuff to catch up on.

This has been about a year and a half in the making. I told myself on my 29th birthday that by the time I hit the big 3-0 I would publish a novel. I would stop letting fear dictate my moves. That declaration opened up the door for a wild journey over this past year. I started a podcast with someone, that quickly fell apart, but then I branched out and started one on my own! All while trying (and sometimes failing) to make sense of the plot in my head that I so desperately wanted to put on paper.

black mystery author; debut black authors;

And now, after months of writing and editing and crying and pleading I can finally say that my debut novel OUT NOW! I have a few other things up my sleeve, but I will keep that under wraps for right now.

I am super excited for you guys to read my work. This is the first of many novels to come. I keep telling myself that this one was the novel written to prove to myself that I could do it. Everything after this is just icing on the cake.

In the meantime, I will post the book description here. It's available for purchase here.

purchase link for The Memory Concierge

I will update you all on whether or not it will be available anywhere else. My dream is to be able to find my book in a Barnes and Nobles somewhere. Even if it's just in the store location by my house. That's fine too. I'm not picky.

I am super excited that this is actually happening. Even if no one reads a word of it or even if everyone reads it and thinks it's the worst piece of crap ever written, I can still say that I published a book! After wanting to do this since I was a little girl, I have finally accomplished that goal, and nothing can take that away from me.

debut black authors;  black literature

Henry and Clara's love story is nothing short of extraordinary. It all began decades earlier at a Halloween party and from that moment on, they've been inseparable. One day, their world is shaken by a devastating diagnosis: Alzheimer's disease. As cherished memories gradually slip away, they find themselves desperately clinging to the life they've worked so hard to create. Amidst these challenges, Henry stumbles upon whispers of a phenomenon that promises to restore lost memories. How far will he go to preserve the world he and Clara have built?

Meanwhile, in a parallel struggle, we meet Anya, a devoted daughter determined to care for her own ailing father. As the firstborn, the weight of responsibility for her father's care in the wake of her mother's untimely passing falls squarely on her shoulders. Balancing her own dreams with the demanding role of caregiver becomes an increasingly uphill battle, especially when her siblings, Deven and Drusilla, offer little assistance. As their father's health continues to decline, the overwhelming feeling of trying to juggle it all threatens to permanently damage Anya's relationship with her siblings. Her resilience and patience are pushed to the limit, inching her closer and closer to her breaking point.

In this poignant narrative, an intricate tapestry of forgiveness and the fragility of familial connections unfolds, providing an intimate glimpse into the profound impact of Alzheimer's disease on those diagnosed and the loved ones who surround them.

bipoc authors; bipoc writers; bipoc stories, black stories

I'm being cheeky here because of course I'm going to recommend my own book. But no, really, if you have anyone in your life that is struggling with Alzheimer's disease or some form of dementia first, I want to give you the biggest virtual hug I can muster because it is devasting and ugly.

But I also want to encourage you to read my book. It may just give you the cathartic release type of ugly cry you didn't even realize you needed. If you do decide to read, please let me know what you thought.

You can be honest. I won't come after you like some of these other authors have done when you like or dislike their work. I'll just cry into a vat of ice cream and call it a day.

My only request from you is that whenever you do read it, please review and rate it wherever you can. This means Amazon, Goodreads, Story-Graph. Wherever. The more reviews I get the more the algorithm will work in my favor and show my book to more people.

Tell a friend to tell a friend about The Memory Concierge. Buy a copy of it for all your friends. Use it as a stocking stuffer or as a drink coaster on your coffee table. You can even use it to play fetch with your pups. As long as you read it first and then review it for me.

Thanks a Buncharooni.

Until we speak again,

Happy Reading Babes! ❤


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